"Give Us the Dumpsters -Or- Give Us Life": Res Derilictae and the Trash of Free Trade
Daniel Lang
Supermovables: The Fate of Unreal Estate, or a Treatise on the Social Problem Regarding Illegal File-Sharing

The Manual of Lost Ideas Antoinette LaFarge and the Institute for Cultural Inquiry

The Uncanny Curtis Bowman Review of Nicolas Royle, The Uncanny
Capitalist Horrors Steffen Hantke Review of Annalee Newitz, Pretend We're Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture
A Critical Humanist among the Professional Experts Bob van der Linden Review of Edward W. Said, Reflections on Exile and Other Essays and Edward Said: The Last Interview, a documentary by Mike Dibb
Foucault among the Humanists Corey McCall Review of Eric Paras, Foucault 2.0: Beyond Power and Knowledge
Vigliant Memory Michael Maidan Review of R. Cliford Spargo, Vigilant Memory: Emmanuel Levinas, the Holocaust and the Unjust Death
Critical Interventions: Reclaiming the Virtual Paul A. Youngman Review of Mark Nunes, Cyberspaces of Everyday Life
History, Herstory: How Writers Make the World Paul Hansom Review of A.S. Byatt, On Stories and Histories: Selected Essays
Rethinking Culture Christine Boyko-Head Review of Michael Denning, Culture in the Age of Three Worlds
Why 'Live'? Pietro de Simone Review of Philip Auslander, Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture