Other Voices is an independent, award-winning, electronic journal of cultural criticism published at the University of Pennsylvania. Founded in March 1997, Other Voices regularly publishes provocative essays, interviews, roundtable discussions, lecture transcriptions, audio lectures, multimedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities.
Current Issue

Check out our latest issue on Cultural Recycling, guest edited by Tina Kendall and Kristen Koster, featuring essays by Walter Moser, Marilyn Randall and David Scott Diffrient; interviews with David Wilson of the Museum of Jurassic Technology and artist Robin Hill; reviews and more!


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Issue 3.1: Recycling Culture
Issue 2.3: Engagements
Issue 2.2: Discrete Objects
Issue 2.1: On Genocide
Issue 1.3: Anchoring Analysis
Issue 1.2: Image (Con) Text
Issue 1.1: Reading in the Ruins