John Abromeit John Abromeit is a doctoral student in
Intellectual History at the University of California, Berkeley. He
graduated from Stanford University in 1993 with a B.A. in Modern Thought
and Literature after which he spent four semesters at the University of
Frankfurt, Germany under the auspices of the DAAD. He is a regular
contributor to the Frankfurt based international student newspaper
Stan Barrett
Stan Barrett is a senior English major at the University of
Vance Bell Vance Bell is the founder and editor-in-chief of
Other Voices.
Catherine Bernard
Catherine Bernard graduated from Stanford University in 1993.
A native of Philadelphia she now works in NYC and will enter the Jewish
Studies program at Berkeley later this year.
Levee Blanc Levee Blanc is a son of the
Dämmerung -- a
ghostly figure often seen roaming through the twilight at the University
of Pennsylvania wearing a long black wool coat. Some say he is
Melancholia returned to an earthly plane of existence. We think it is
best not to ask too many questions.
Dr. Curtis Bowman
Curtis Bowman is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania.
He specializes in Kantian and post-Kantian thought and teaches courses in
Aesthetics, Ethics, Continental Philosophy, and the History of Modern
Philosophy. Currently he is translating Kant's Nachlass for the
Cambridge Kant edition and working on a book about the philosophical and
literary writings of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1748-1819), one of Kant's
younger contemporaries who greatly influenced the development of
post-Kantian thought.
John Parker
John Parker is a third-year graduate student in English at the University
of Pennsylvania concentrating in Renaissance studies.
Giles Peaker
Giles Peaker is a Lecturer in Art History and Critical Theory at the
University of Derby, England currently working on the image of crisis in
the Weimar Republic and the aesthetics of interruption. His other
include the representation of the city in the interwar period,
aesthetics, Critical Theory, and history and theory of the genre of still
life. Member of the editorial collective of Detours
and Delays : An occasional e-journal of aesthetics and politics
Joshua Schuster
Josh Schuster is a junior at the University of Pennsylvania studying
English and Comparative Literature.